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Brett D. Eaton
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Recovery & Renovation of the Pentagon following 9/11:
The Phoenix Project

Brett D. Eaton
Information and Communications Team Leader
Pentagon Renovation Program


Original construction began on the Pentagon on September 11, 1941 and completed in just 16 months. Declared a National Historic Landmark in 1992, the Pentagon evolved without a major renovation or growth plan until the inception of the Pentagon Renovation Program in 1993. In addition to making the Pentagon compliant with current building codes, several safety and security measures were implemented as part of the renovation process. Despite the tremendous amount of damage caused by the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, improvements made by the Pentagon Renovation Program helped save lives and prevent further destruction. The Pentagon Renovation Program challenged itself to rebuild from the damage and re-occupy the outer-ring of offices at the point of impact by the one-year anniversary of the attack. The first tenants moved back into these offices on August 15, 2002, 28 days ahead of schedule. The Renovation Program is continuing its plan to renovate the remaining 4.5 million square feet of Pentagon building space. The schedule for completion has not been delayed by the terrorist attack but actually advanced by four years, from 2014 to 2010, to incorporate lessons learned from September 11 into the rest of building. These lessons learned primarily address protecting Pentagon personnel from fire, blast and chemical, biological and radiological events. This is being accomplished through a dedicated work force, strong leadership and an innovative contracting approach.


PDF document of PowerPoint presentation


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